What is a petition?
Petition - the request, the complaint, the notification made written ,
filed at the head office or secondary offices of SSIF IFB Finwest SA,
or sent by e-mail, fax or mail - in which the petitioner expresses his dissatisfaction with the service
and investment activity provided by the company based on Law no. 297/2004.
Who can file a petition?
Any natural or legal person who believes that their rights or interests have been violated can apply
to SSIF IFB Finwest SA in writing for the recognition of the right and/or the recovery of the damage.
Ways to submit petitions.
Petitions can be submitted:
- directly at the head office of SSIF IFB Finwest SA or at secondary offices
- by letter written to the address of the company headquarters: SSIF IFB FINWEST SA
Municipality of Arad, Str. Dimitrie Bolintineanu no. 5, ap 4 and 5, Arad county, CP 310176
by email: office@ifbfinwest.ro;
- by fax: 0257.281.612.
Mandatory form and content of the petition.
The petition must be drawn up IN WRITING FORM and will include the following:
- Surname, surname, Personal Identification Number/petitioner's name, CUI;
- Petitioner's address/office/telephone/mail;
- Object of the petition = the issue – the service
– the person – the claimed damage
- Specifying the reasons and arguments on which the petition is based;
- The applicant's identity document, as authorized natural person, in copy.;
- Copy of registration certificate (CUI), Certificate of assessor from the ORC showing the legal
representative not older than 30 days, legal representative's identity card and power of attorney,
copy of authorized person's CI if the legal entity will be represented by a person other than the legal
representative .
For natural and legal persons who are represented by an attorney, he will have to present a copy of
the petitioner's identity card/corporate documents mentioned inside,act of empowered identity and the
attorney for the representation (notary or lawyer) in original.
Anonymous petitions will not be registered.
Stages of resolution of petitions.
- Receiving the petition;
- Registration in the Unique Registry of Petitions;
- Analysis of petition requests and documentation based on information from the company's written and electronic
archive. Formulation of the proposal for the resolution of the petition based on the supporting documents from the company's records
by the CCI representatives and its submission for approval by the company's management;
- Forwarding the response to the petitioner.
The deadline for resolving petitions.
The deadline for solving petitions and formulating the answer cannot exceed 30 calendar days from the date of its registration.
If the investigation of the petition requires a term longer than 30 days, the petitioner will be notified of this, through a written address,
which will be sent no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the petition.
The additional term cannot exceed the initial term of 30 calendar days by more than 15 days.
Resolution of the petition.
Petitions can be resolved FAVORABLE and UNFAVORABLE.
- Petition FAVOURABLY settled – when measures are ordered to remedy the reported situations;
- Petition UNFAVORABLY settled – when no actions have been decided..
In both cases the petitioner will be informed within the legal term.
The management of SSIF IFB Finwest SA is ready for the amicable settlement of any disputes
or grievances in accordance with the legal provisions in force.
If the petition is UNFAVORABLY settled, the petitioner has the right to address the competent bodies and authorities and
to use all the resolution methods provided by the legal provisions in force.
ASF Regulation no. 4/2016 on the organization and operation of the Dispute Resolution Entity in the non-banking financial field (SAL-FIN)
Emergency Ordinance no. 38/2015 on the alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and traders